When i give up the helm i know that the time has come for thee to take it 当我放下舵盘,我知道你来接收的时候到了。
The black pearl is gone and unless you have a rudder and a lot of sails hidden in that bodice , unlikely 黑珍珠号已经已经开走了,除非你身上有着船帆和舵盘.显然不太可能
Carried on by the force already acquired , the train still moved for several minutes ; but the brakes were worked , and at last they stopped , less than a hundred feet from kearney station 列车由于惯性的推动力继续前进了几分钟,但是车厢里的旅客扭紧了煞车舵盘,列车终于在离开克尔尼堡车站不到一百步的地方停下来了。
Mr fogg had not time to stop the brave fellow , who , opening a door unperceived by the indians , succeeded in slipping under the car ; and while the struggle continued , and the balls whizzed across each other over his head , he made use of his old acrobatic experience , and with amazing agility worked his way under the cars , holding on to the chains , aiding himself by the brakes and edges of the sashes , creeping from one car to another with marvellous skill , and thus gaining the forward end of the train 斐利亚福克还没来得及阻止,这个大胆的小伙子已经打开一个车窗溜到车厢下面去了,他没有被西乌人看见。这时战斗还在激烈地进行,子弹从他头上飕飕地飞过,他运用自己马戏团演员那一套轻巧灵活的故技,在车厢下面隐蔽前进。他攀着联结列车的铁链,踩着煞车舵盘,沿着外面车架的边沿,巧妙地从一节车爬到另一节车,一直爬到最前面的一节车上。