Comparative anatomy of secretory cavities in leaves of the rutaceae in china 中国芸香科植物叶分泌囊比较解剖学研究
Pilocarpine on electric activities of pain - related neuron in locus cerul of rats 毛果芸香碱对大鼠蓝斑核痛反应神经元电活动的影响
Protective effects and mechanism of rutoside on multi - organ injury during experimental acute pancreatitis 芸香苷对实验性急性胰腺炎胰外多器官损伤的保护作用及机制
Acridone alkaloids , a group of important bioactive compounds , are mainly in the citrus plant of rutaceae family 摘要吖啶酮生物碱是一类重要的生物活性物质,芸香科柑橘类植物是天然吖啶酮的主要来源。
Yet , the smell of a yahoo continuing very offensive , i always keep my nose well stopped with rue lavender , or tobacco leaves 可是“野猢”的气味还是很难闻,我总是用芸香、熏衣草或烟草紧紧捂住鼻子。
Look to the rue anemone , if you will , or the pea patch , or to the stubborn weed that thrusts its shoulders through a city street 如果你愿意,栽种芸香银莲花吧,或种一小块豌豆田,或把那些随风飘散进大街小巷的种子种起来吧。
The diameter of cavity were larger in woody plants than that in herb plants , and the layers of sheath cells were more in aurantioideae than that in rutoideae 柑桔亚科的大多数种类中,分泌囊鞘细胞层数较多,而芸香亚科的多数种类分泌囊鞘细胞层数较少。
Comparative observations were made on the morphology and anatomy of secretory cavities in stems of 14 genera , 23 species and one varieties by paraffin and thin section method 摘要利用石蜡切片和薄切片方法对芸香科14属23种和1变种植物幼茎中分泌囊的分布和结构进行了比较研究。
Abstract : this article concludeed the chemical and pharmacological research of citrus grandis ( l . ) osbeck . it is valuable to developing its activities in blood pressure regulation , anticoagulation and bacteriostasis 文摘:对芸香科植物柚的化学成分及药理研究进行了综述,认为该种植物在调节血压、抗凝、抑菌等方面有较好的开发价值。
The results showed that 345 species , belonging to 179 genera , 77 families were distributed in this area , taking a ratio of 71 . 3 % , 45 . 1 % and 42 . 4 % in chinese oil plants respectively , 11 families including euphorbiaceae , lauraceae , ulmaceae , rutaceae , magnoliaceae , celastraceae , leguminosae , rosaceae , cruiferae , compositae and caprifoliaceae were dominant families that had 10 or more species . 66 species of important oil plants were briefly introduced 结果表明,该区油脂植物共有77科179属345种,占全国油脂植物科属种的71 . 3 % 、 45 . 1 % 、 42 . 4 % ,含10种以上的科有大戟科、樟科、榆科、芸香科、木兰科、卫矛科、豆科、蔷薇科、十字花科、菊科和忍冬科等11个科,为该地区油脂植物的优势类群。