| 1. | Donation to the miaoli lifeline association 捐助苗栗县生命线协会 |
| 2. | Fellow practitioners from miaoli , formosa participate in a bazaar held by the miaoli lifeline association 福尔摩沙苗栗同修参与苗栗县生命线协会园游会。 |
| 3. | Sweeping the miaoli no . 28 highway in support of environmental protection efforts by the hsihu township office 配合苗栗县西湖乡公所推动环保,清扫苗28线公路 |
| 4. | Sweeping the miaoli no . 28 highway in support of environmental protection efforts by the hsihu township office 配合苗栗县西湖乡公所推动环保,清扫苗28线公路 |
| 5. | Following their vibrant dance performance , children from the miaoli county childrens home of peace thank the audience 苗栗县幼安教养院的院童在热情的舞蹈表演后向观众致上谢意。 |
| 6. | Conveying warm concern in winter to senior citizens living alone in hsihu township , miaoli county by providing warm clothing , food and money contributions 寒冬送暖,关怀苗栗县西湖乡独居老人,致赠慰问金御寒物品和食品18 , 740 |
| 7. | A thank - you letter from residents of the yuan home expresses their appreciation to supreme master ching hai for her help and caring support of disadvantaged groups 有感于清海无上师对弱势团体的爱心关怀与援助,苗栗县幼安教养院特颁感谢状表达谢忱。 |
| 8. | A team of chinese and western medical professionals comprised of fellow initiates from all around formosa offer free consultation services to residents of hsihu township , miaoli county 来自福尔摩沙全省中西医同修们所组成的医疗团队,为苗栗县西湖乡亲举办义诊活动。 |