Suddenly , his future is in the court of public opinion 突然间,他的未来成为了人们茶余饭后的谈资。
The los angeles lakers once had visions of grandeur that this summer they ' d land the key piece to propel them back into contention 曾经辉煌的湖人队这个夏天成了众人茶余饭后谈论的焦点。
Country we stand on should not be a familial emotion . it is something we do together with responsibilities "我们干吗非得在茶余饭后揭自己的短呢?护犊子自然不对,但对自己的孩子不当孩子看好象也说不过去吧。
The superb range of amenities on offer , include sauna & massage , outdoor tennis court , gymnasium , billiard room , beauty salon and mahjong rooms 饭店休闲娱乐设施完善,有棋牌室、桌球室、桑拿中心、美容沙龙、室外网球场、健身房等,茶余饭后您还可以到夜总会一展歌喉,释放自我!
He could make a mint in after - dinner speaking and , after he realises his ambitions of managing an italian club and then portugal , there ' s strong talk of a career in politics 他是茶余饭后的谈资,当他实现自己执教意大利俱乐部然后是葡萄牙国家队的雄心后,人们普遍猜测他将踏入政坛。
Moreover , andrew ' s outstanding performance included an array of thunderous ally - oop dunks that sent the phoenix suns running for the hills and set the league ablaze with talk of his massive potential 值得一提的是,拜纳姆无数个雷霆万钧的灌篮打的太阳屁滚尿流找不着北,从此他的潜能也是人们和整个联盟茶余饭后的话题。
When the stock market goes up , investors feel good because the gains affirm their belief in themselves as savvy investors , giving them an achievement to boast about at parties and in conversations with friends and family 当股市上扬时,投资者感觉良好,因为收益增加更让他们相信自己是投资高手,同时也给了他们在茶余饭后进行自我吹嘘的资本。
This self - delusion had its roots in england ' s increasingly laddish , dumbed - down culture - faking a conversational football orgasm just after the soup course was the easiest option for those who craved to belong to the spirit of the times 这种自我幻觉深深扎根于英国那日渐浓郁的带有孩子气的‘驳倒’文化- -在茶余饭后虚拟出一场关于足球的兴高采烈的谈话,是那些殚精竭虑把自己置身于时代精神中的人的最好选择。