We use script letter to avoid confusion with the incidence and circ matrices . 为了避免与关联矩阵和广义圈矩阵混淆,我们利用了草体字母。
Effecting factors of somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in vetiver 影响香根草体细胞胚胎发生和植株再生因素初探
The results indicated that polymorphic variation of the regeneration plant was existed in molecular level 结果表明多年生黑麦草体细胞无性系在分子水平发生了多态性变异。
There was correlation between in vitro and in vivo tests , in that the isolates with strong in vivo inhibitory effects showed strong disease resistance 在体外抑菌试验中,对病原菌生长抑制能力强的内生菌株系,在旗草体内也表现出较强的抗病性。
Plant protection in greenhouse from foliar blight by the endophyte was clearly in the early stage after inoculation with rhi . solani ciat 6780 . but the resistance became weak as time went on 旗草体内抗病试验表明,内生菌感染的植株对叶枯病具有抗性,但这种抗性随着病原菌( rhizoctoniasolani )的扩展而减弱。
Three days , at white heat , completed his narrative ; but when he had copied it carefully , in a large scrawl that was easy to read , he learned from a rhetoric he picked up in the library that there were such things as paragraphs and quotation marks 他狂热地写了三天,完成了他的故事。但是在他用容易辨认的大草体工工整整抄好之后,却从他在图书馆借来的一本修辞学书上知道还有分段和引号之类他以前根本没想到过的东西。