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Chinese translation for "荧光光谱分析"

fluorescence spectral analysis
fluorescent spectroscopy

Related Translations:
光纤光谱分析仪:  fibre optic spectral analyzer
荧光胺:  fluorescaminefluram
荧光效果:  fl fluorescein
荧光材料:  flourescent materialfluorescent matcrialfluorescent materialtarget
石油荧光:  petroleum bloom
荧光层:  fluorescent coatingfluorescent layer
荧光带:  fluorescence bandfluorescent strip
荧光漆:  fluorescence paintfluorescent paint
荧光染料:  flourescent dyefluorescent colorfluorescent dyefluorochromeluminescent dyeoptical dye
荧光膜:  fluorescent film
Example Sentences:
1.Iron and steel - method for x - ray fluorescence spectrometric analysis
钢铁. x射线荧光光谱分析
2.Analysis of trace arsenic in antimony by atomic fluorescence spectrometry
3.Methods for x - ray fluorescence spectrometric analysis of refractory products
4.Discussion on the detection limit in x - ray fluorescence spectrometic analysis
5.Analytical spectroscopic methods - flame emission , atomic absorption and atomic fluorescence - vocabulary
6.Aluminium fluoride for industrial use - determination of sulphur content - x - ray fluorescence spectrometric method
7.Guidelines for the preparation of standard routine methods with wavelength - dispersive x - ray fluorescence spectrometry
8.Advanced technical ceramics . methods of test for ceramic powders . determination of oxygen content in aluminium nitride by xrf analysis
9.It was found that the surface structure of the microgels largely depends upon the nature of the continuous phase of the system
荧光光谱分析表明, 390处激发时,在573得到的发射光谱与本体相的pbs的特征光谱相吻合。
10.Argon laser induced auto - fluorescence spectra of normal tissue , benign adenoma and cancer of thyroid were investigated in vitro
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