Analysis on the proposition of ancient surname originating from totem 与古代汉族的血祭比较研究
And who among us has paid the blood sacrifice owed to the heathen gods 在我们中有谁已为信奉邪神偿清血祭?
She sets out to strike down her once fellow assassins , leaving bill for last . . 当日把她推进痛苦谷底的人,她誓言要一一血祭. .
And she saw her husband , the aged priam , dragged towards the household altar and ruthlessly butchered there 她又不幸地看到了自己在奴役中的惟一安慰- -女儿波里丝娜被血祭于阿基里斯的墓前。
Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god : their drink offerings of blood will i not offer , nor take up their names into my lips 追求别神的,他们的愁苦必定加多。他们所奠的血祭,我不祭奠;我的嘴唇也不提别神的名。
And he begat six sons , chieftains , whose thoughts were ever of brave deeds : and now hath he part in honour of blood - offerings in his grave beside alpheos ' stream , and hath a frequented tomb , whereto many strangers resort : and from afar off he beholdeth the glory of the olympian games in the courses called of pelops , where is striving of swift feet and of strong bodies brave to labour ; but he that overcometh hath for the sake of those games a sweet tranquillity throughout his life for evermore 他生了六个儿子,都是枭雄,胆大气雄:他长眠在奥尔夫斯河边上,到今天他的坟头还享受血祭,子孙的墓葬井然有序,许多陌生人仰慕而去;从遥远的时代他就给予奥林匹亚于荣耀,竞技的时候人们高呼佩罗普斯,赛场上敏捷的脚步和强健的身体奋力拼搏,获胜者终身享受那甜蜜的收获。