| 1. | They do not pose, those quiet places . 那些地方无声无息,毫不装模作样。 |
| 2. | Her affectations make you sick . 她那装模作样劲儿真令人作呕。 |
| 3. | In her best moments she did not act . 在春风得意的时代,她是不必装模作样的。 |
| 4. | Why should he be falsely modest and pretend ? 他为什么非得故作谦虚,装模作样呢? |
| 5. | A niminy-piminy shyness makes frankness impossible ... 装模作样不会是真正的直爽。 |
| 6. | A chair always makes me feel respectable and dull . 椅子总叫我觉得是装模作样,乏味得很。 |
| 7. | Let's not pretend ! 咱们俩都别装模作样! |
| 8. | Men have to learn the arts which come to women by nature . 男人必须学会女人天生的装模作样的艺术。 |
| 9. | He did not pretend to know all about the future of humanity . 他并没有装模作样说他洞悉人类的未来。 |
| 10. | His pretensions to judge upon such matters filled her with scorn . 他对这类事物装模作样的评判使她反感。 |