[ shìsǐrúguī ] take death calmly (like“going home”); defy death; look death calmly in the face; face death unflinchingly; face death with no regrets [with equanimity]; face death calmly; look upon death as going home [as nothing]; willingly to walk to one's death; affront death; make no more of dying than of going home; death is only a homegoing.; face death with a smile
Related Translations:
刘胡兰在敌人的屠刀面前大义凛然视死如归: liu hulan unflinchingly faced death under the butcher's knife of the enemy
Example Sentences:
Liu hulan unflinchingly faced death under the butcher 's knife of the enemy . 刘胡兰在敌人的屠刀面前大义凛然,视死如归。
Have been prepared to do anything to keep it safe 一直视死如归要守圣杯秘密
Have been prepared to do anything to keep it safe 一直视死如归要守圣杯秘密
Cock - courage , always ready for battle , ready to fight to the death 公鸡临阵时视死如归的勇气。
Cock - courage , always ready for battle , ready to fight to the death 公鸡勇气,时刻准备投入战斗并且视死如归。
In battle they are deadly opponents , eager to practise their great skills on real enemies , in an arena where there is no room for second best 在战斗中他们视死如归,渴望通过一个真正的敌人来验证他们伟大的技能,证明在战场上没有第二强者。
But his heroes remained the young rebels to the very end . they were invariably hotheaded and laughed at death to his face . they never did grow up 不过,张彻英雄始终以残酷青春为主体,一直停留在血气方刚视死如归的青春搏杀期他的主角始终没有成熟。
A moral intellectual is one who escapes no danger in face of truth , discards personal interests in front of disaster , practices righteousness at the expense of life , and looks upon death as going home 士之为人,当理不避其难,临患忘利,遗生行义,视死如归。
The numbers say much about the desperation and determination of the impoverished zimbabweans fleeing a country that is collapsing around them 这些统计数据也很大程度上说明一个问题,即穷困潦倒的津巴人在感到自己国家正在面临崩溃时所表现出来的绝望情绪与视死如归的决心。
Falling early into the seafaring life , which of all the lives is the most destitute of the fear of god , though his terrors are always before them ; i say , falling early into the seafaring life , and into seafaring company , all that little sense of religion which i had entertain d , was laugh d out of me by my mess - mates , by a harden d despising of dangers ; and the views of death , which grew habitual to me ; by my long absence from all manner of opportunities to converse with any thing but what was like my self , or to hear any thing that was good , or tended towards it 要知道,水手是最不尊敬不畏惧上帝的人,尽管上帝使他们的生活充满了恐怖。由于我年轻时就过水手生活,与水手们为伍,我早年获得的那不多的宗教意识,早就从我的头脑里消失得一干二净了。这是由于伙伴们的嘲笑,由于经常遭遇危险而视死如归,由于没有与善良的人交往而从未听到有益的教导,因此本来就十分淡薄的宗教信仰,就消失殆尽了。