[ yánéryǒuxìn ] keep a promise inviolate(d); be as good as one's word; be faithful in word; be true to one's word; carry out one's word to fruition; make good one's promises
Example Sentences:
Lt ' s important that you remain true to yiur word 言而有信才是最最重要的
Lt ' s important that you remain true to yiur word 言而有信才是最最重要的
John always tells the truth . in fact , he is a man of his word 约翰总是说实话。事实上,他是个言而有信的人。
So we ' re all men of our words really except for elizabeth who is , in fact , a woman 所以我们都是言而有信的大丈夫,哦,除了伊丽莎白,她是个女的
Sokolov : it means he ' s a man of his word . but we ' ve got no time for this . you have to get me out of here before they arrive 意思是他是个言而有信的人。不过我们没有时间谈这个了,在他们来之前你必须带我离开这里。
Being a man true to my word , today we ll look at two such constructions , the ablative absolute and the passive periphrastic ; as well as the dative of agent 身为言而有信之人,今天我要介绍独立从格和迂说被动这两种结构,以及施事予格(间接受格)的用法。
Honesty means to be sincere , earnest and selfless , which places emphasis on fact , keeping one ' s refers to abide by one ' s word , keep one ' s promise and be true in word and resolute in deed 诚实是指真诚不伪,诚信不欺,真实不妄,精诚不懈。其强调的是真实。守信是指遵守自己的诺言,实践自己的诺言,言而有信,行有必果。
This discourages collusion by making it impossible for companies to be sure that their co - conspirators stick to any deal , and encourages entrants into the bidding process by giving them a shot against established incumbents 这就有助于阻止串通,因为竞拍者无法得知与其合谋的其他竞拍者是否言而有信;这种方式还有助于鼓励新企业参与竞拍,让它们有机会与老牌运营商一争高低。
Mr mong was then given the sole agency of national products in hong kong and macau , and a business partnership and friendship of over fifty years thus began . a bond based on mutual respect and frankness between two outstanding entrepreneurs that transcends the written contract , it is a manifestation of the trust between two real gentlemen 当时两位杰出的企业家肝胆相照,惺惺相惜,自此展开了五十年同舟共济、休戚相关的紧密合作,两人之间,并无签订任何书面契约,真正体现了君子之交言而有信的精神。