| 1. | Treatment of peptic ulcer viewing from liver meridian aspect 消化性溃疡从肝论治 |
| 2. | Experience of treating insomnia following stomach disorders 疑难杂病从络论治探析 |
| 3. | Treatment of difficult diseases from collateral 谢广茹从脾胃论治肿瘤经验举要 |
| 4. | Treatment of diabetes mellitus from regulating spleen and stomach 糖尿病从脾胃论治 |
| 5. | Discuss on obstructive urination treated by zhang zhongjing 从肺论治高血压病 |
| 6. | Exploration on pattern identifications and treatments for gout 痛风论治探析 |
| 7. | On the spleen and stomach doctrine in acupuncture and moxibustion 脾胃学说与针灸论治 |
| 8. | Puberty metropathia hemorrhagica treated by regulating kidney 从肾论治青春期功血30例 |
| 9. | Access of collaterals to treating 36 cases of heart diseases 从络论治治疗胸痹36例小结 |
| 10. | Treatment of senile dementia with kidney deficiency theory 老年痴呆从肾虚论治机理探讨 |