| 1. | One achieves clairvoyance of the pure eye as a human 他她能迅速证得人眼通 |
| 2. | The purpose is the attainment of deliverance from suffering 目的是从苦中证得解脱。 |
| 3. | It ' s expensive to open an l / c because we need to put a deposit in the bank 开证得交押金,因此花费较大。 |
| 4. | At this stage , one meditates , visualizing the forms of the yidam 然而,只有当证得初地时,行者才能真实见到实相。 |
| 5. | 136 spiritual cultivation and life attaining spiritual realization through farming 136修行与生活种田证得生活禅 |
| 6. | Inequalities of this type are not easy to obtain and the first approach prevails 由于h jek - r nyi型的极大值不等式不易证得,所以第一种方法较为流行。 |
| 7. | They attained these accomplishments because of the power of the meditation that jigme linpa taught 他们之所以证得这些成就,是因为禅修晋美林巴所传法门之力。 |
| 8. | Similarly all the purposes in all vedic scriptures are realized to he who knows the ultimate truth 同理,懂得根本真理的人可以证得《吠陀》经典里所描述的全部内容。 |
| 9. | In the course of the last three years , in various talks he elaborated more and more on his enlightenment 三年来几次宣讲课程中他煞费苦心的详细说明他所证得的阿罗汉果。 |
| 10. | The practice of vajrayogini is only for the very fortunate and if practiced correctly can lead to buddhahood in this very lifetime 那若巴潜心修习?的法门终于在那一世证得圆满佛性可见其殊胜。 |