谷 名词 1.(两山或两块高地中间的狭长而有出口的地带) valley; ravine; gorge 短语和例子 幽谷 a secluded valley; 深谷 a deep valley; gorge; ravine2.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 谷杰 gu jie3.(谷类作物) cereal; grain 短语和例子 五谷 the five cereals (rice, two kinds of millet, wheat and beans); 稻谷 paddy rice4.(谷子; 粟) millet 5.[方言] (稻或稻谷) unhusked rice 6.(凹点) trough 7.(小脑下方的窝) vallecula 8.(困境) difficulty; dilemma 短语和例子 进退维谷 difficult either to advance or draw back; find oneself in a dilemma