| 1. | There's beggary in the love that can be reckoned . 可以量深浅的爱是贫乏的。 |
| 2. | What can we learn from these meager facts ? 从这些贫乏的材料我们可以了解什么呢? |
| 3. | The theistic god is almost as sterile a principle . 有神论的上帝也是差不多同样贫乏的一种原理。 |
| 4. | Exotics are most useful in regions in which the native flora is deficient . 在当地植物种类贫乏的地区,外来种最为有用。 |
| 5. | Quantitative information on these aspects of protein metabolism is scarce . 有关这方面的蛋白质代谢的定量知识是贫乏的。 |
| 6. | He has to deduce what he can from the few scanty clues available . 他们不得不从获得的稀少而贫乏的线索中尽其所能地进行推断。 |
| 7. | It is likely to be discredited if it gets to be associated with bad science . 如果与贫乏的科学知识搅合在一起,就可能不被人们信任。 |
| 8. | In some regions the types of mental and physical destitution were without parallel . 在有些地区里,精神上和物质上的贫乏的情况是无法比拟的。 |
| 9. | This is because of the relative paucity of hybridization in the fungi as compared with green plants . 这是因为真菌中的杂交同绿色植物比较起来相对贫乏的原故。 |
| 10. | It is not strange, then, that those who wrote of him should have eked out their scanty recollections with a lively fancy . 因此,那些给他写文章的人必须借助于活跃的想象以弥补贫乏的事实,看来也就不足为奇了。 |