| 1. | We believe that this is the turning point of the tight liquidity situation , and deposit growth should stay steady in 1999 相信这是解决银行短期资金紧绌的转捩点,存款增长的步伐在1999年将保持平稳。 |
| 2. | In the fourth quarter of 1999 to address the potential problem of excessive tightness in the money market which might arise from y2k related concerns ,以应付货币市场因电脑二千年问题有关的忧虑而可能出现资金紧绌的情况。 |
| 3. | This flexibility will enable the hkma to pre - empt any gridlock in the payment system that could arise due to excessive tightness in the money market prior to the normal opening of the window 这项灵活的安排让金管局能防止支付系统因货币市场资金紧绌而出现延误。 |
| 4. | A liquidity crunch caused by the financial crisis created conditions for a massive and sustained speculative attack against the hong kong dollar and stock markets in august 1998 由于金融危机造成资金紧绌的情况,投机者在一九九八年八月持续大举冲击港元和本港的股票市场。 |
| 5. | A liquidity crunch caused by the financial crisis created conditions for a massive and sustained speculative attack against the hong kong dollar and stock markets in august 1998 由于金融危机造成资金紧绌的情况,投机者在一九九八年八月持续大举冲击港元和本港的股票市场。 |
| 6. | It should therefore not be difficult for receiving banks to organise the recycling of funds without causing undue tightness in the interbank market and volatility in short - term interest rates 目前银行体系固然资金充裕,收款银行在协调资金回流时,应很容易避免造成银行同业市场资金紧绌及短期利率波动。 |
| 7. | As the hkma passively bought the hong kong dollars sold to it by the banks in accordance with the discipline of the currency board system , the sum of the clearing balances of the banking system ( the aggregate balance ) fell from $ 8 . 1 billion on january 5 to a negative figure of $ 2 billion on january 9 . in response to the tightness in the money market , the overnight hibor rose from around 4 per cent to an intraday high of 13 per cent on january 9 and further to 15 per cent on january 12 点。根据货币发行局制度的规则,金管局被动地购入银行向其出售的港元,银行体系的结算馀额(总结馀)由一月五日的81亿元减至一月九日的负20亿元。货币市场资金紧绌的情况,导致隔夜港元银行同业拆息于一月九日由4厘左右攀升至13厘的全日最高位,并于一月十二日再升至15厘。 |