The reader cannot withhold his interest and admiration 读者无法抑制自己的兴趣和赞佩。
Doyle was so impressed with the method that he later made it holmes ' signature method 道尔对这个方法赞佩不已,日后就让它成为福尔摩斯特有的办案手法。
Among these visitors were several who had known about master for a long time , and others who simply had great admiration for her 这些来宾当中有些人早已认识师父,有的甚至对师父极表赞佩欣赏,此次再来结缘,令同修们备感欣喜。
I had the pleasure of meeting her at an academy awards party in hollywood . her clothing , pottery , fans and artistry , such as her fashions , are incomparable . theyre just magnificent , and i admire her so much as an artist 我很荣幸能在好莱坞的一场奥斯卡派对上见到她,她的艺术创作如天衣彩陶彩扇等,都是无与伦比的精品,她的艺术造诣的确令人赞佩!
There is a great admiration of the culture , intellectual achievement , and character of the chinese people . there is respect for the ability of the chinese people to persevere . there is a sense of china s great possibilities . average americans know china in part through the chinese - americans who helped build our country 尽管有这些曲折,但我想要你们知道,美国人对中国的某些看法始终没有改变,那就是对中国人民的文化、学术成就和品格的极大赞佩,敬佩中国人不屈不挠的精神,感觉到中国的巨大潜力。
I think it was all that more exciting to be involved with a charity event of that magnitude , and it was really about doing something really , really good , and i think it was wonderful to be involved , again , to share the stage with musicians and composers of that caliber : the beach boys , bill conti 和平之音四海一心音乐会除了在水准一流的表演场所举行外,它本身的宗旨也很令人赞佩更令我感到兴奋的是,能叁与如此盛大慈善音乐会的演出,为非常有意义的事情奉献心力,真是很美好的一件事。