| 1. | Legal department 26 february 1996 office of the ombudsman 路政署1996年11月13日 |
| 2. | Booking of sports venue for highways department staff 为路政署人员预订体育馆场地 |
| 3. | Joint venture awarded civil works contract for route 8 路政署签署八号干线工程合约 |
| 4. | Land department 28 may 1997 legal department 27 november 1996 路政署1997年5月14日 |
| 5. | Submission of electronic information to highways department 电子资讯予路政署 |
| 6. | Highways department 20th anniversary roving exhibition 路政署二十周年巡展览 |
| 7. | Publications : hyd standard drawings updated 出版刊物:路政署标准图则更新 |
| 8. | Welcome to the homepage of the highways department 欢迎浏览路政署网页。 |
| 9. | Highways department s achievement on display 路政署巡回展览介绍多年建设 |