Adjuvant treatment is suggested to provide an added survival advantage 辅助疗法建议进行以提供额外的生存优势。
Computer - assisted learning might help , or using recorded books instead of printed ones 计算机辅助疗法或许会管用,或者是运用记录书来替代传统打印书。
Sinusitis : bench to bedside , kaliner ma et al . otolaryngology june 97 ; 116 : 6 part 2 study of sinusits 脉动式鼻腔水疗是鼻窦炎建议使用的疗法之一,也可当作其它疗法之辅助疗法
The experiment involved twelve different kinds of dogs . all were specially trained for what is known as animal - assisted therapy 试验包括了12种不同品种的狗。因为要进行动物辅助疗法,所有的狗都经过了特殊训练。
The experiment involved twelve different kinds of dogs . all were specially trained for what is known as animal - assisted therapy 实验包括了十二种不同的狗狗,他们都是经过特殊训练的,这种训练被认为是动物辅助疗法的。