| 1. | To step into a program that is not yet executing 进入并单步执行尚未执行的程序 |
| 2. | Step into specific function 进入并单步执行特定函数 |
| 3. | Steps the program to the next source line , stepping into function calls 单步执行程序到下一源行,进入并单步执行函数调用。 |
| 4. | If you do not specify an argument , the tool steps into only one instruction 如果没有指定参数,此工具仅进入并单步执行一条指令。 |
| 5. | Demonstrates how to step from a stored procedure into a user defined function 演示如何从存储过程进入并单步执行用户定义的函数。 |
| 6. | Steps the program one or more instructions , stepping into function calls 一个或多个指令地单步执行程序,进入并单步执行函数调用。 |
| 7. | Procedure elsewhere in your code , when you press f8 , execution will step into that procedure 过程,按f8将会进入并单步执行该过程。 |
| 8. | Demonstrates how to step from a stored procedure into a trigger when it fires 演示如何在激发触发器时从存储过程进入并单步执行该触发器。 |
| 9. | On a nested function call , step into steps into the most deeply nested function 在嵌套函数调用上, “逐语句”将进入并单步执行嵌套最深的函数。 |
| 10. | Attribute , which tells the debugger to step through , rather than into , the code it is applied to 属性(该属性告知编译器逐句通过而不是进入并单步执行应用它的代码)时的行为相似。 |