| 1. | Once ? i ? travelled ? 7 ? seas ? to ? find ? my ? love 曾为寻找吾爱?远涉重洋 |
| 2. | Since total solar eclipse is a very stunning experience , people will travel around the globe to watch it 日全食是最震憾人心的天文现象之一,每逢发生日全食,不少人皆不惜远涉重洋,只为能身临其会。 |
| 3. | Soon you will go off to various tertiary institutions for your further education as a way of pursuing your dreams and realizing your personal value 今天,你们意气风发,即将远涉重洋奔赴世界各国的著名学府深造,继续追求自己的理想和人生价值。 |
| 4. | Soon you will go off to various tertiary institutions for your further education as a way of pursuing your dreams and realizing your personal value 今天,你们意气风发、斗志昂扬,即将远涉重洋奔赴世界各国的著名学府深造,继续追求自己的理想和人生价值。 |
| 5. | These fine works went across the ocean for the exhibitions in the united states and panama in 1915 and gained international praise , being rewarded with a golden medal 这幅精品一九一五年曾以产品远涉重洋参展美利坚合众国,巴拿马、万国博览会受到国际人士一致好评,获得金牌奖,载誉而归。 |
| 6. | Steered by stars and directed by the compass , the fleets succeeded in reaching as far as the eastern african coast during their seven voyages , using nautical astronomy and geonavigation 船队运用先进的天文及地文航海技术,观星定向,以罗盘导航。七次远涉重洋,足迹远至非洲东海地区。 |
| 7. | It was purely for security that she had been requested by angel to send her communications through his father , whom he kept pretty well informed of his changing addresses in the country he had gone to exploit for himself with a heavy heart 安琪尔远涉重洋,带着沉重的心情到异国它乡开拓事业,因此经常给父亲写信,把自己不断变化的地址告诉他,所以他嘱咐苔丝把写给他的信寄给他的父亲转寄,完全是为了保险起见。 |
| 8. | Early explorations of our coastline were made by the spaniards and portuguese in the sixteenth century , by henry hudson in 1609 under the auspices of the dutch , by samuel argall in 1610 , by cornelius may in 1613 , and by cornelius hendricksen in 1614 早在16世纪,西班牙和葡萄牙殖民者就远涉重洋来到这里。 1609年,在荷兰政府的竭力怂恿和支持下, henry hudson到特拉华开辟殖民地。紧接着1610年1613年和1614年, samuel argall cornelius may和cornelius hendricksen又分别来到了这里。 |
| 9. | After years of enthusiastic reports from fellows and family members about the joys of visiting stratford ' s annual shakespeare festival , the shaw festival of canada ( the largest classical theater festival in north america ) and niagara - on - the - lake ' s resident shaw festival , i finally made the cross - continental pilgrimage myself 过去几年里,家人和同事都热情地赞扬参加斯特拉特福德一年一度的莎翁戏剧节、加拿大萧伯纳纪念日(北美最大的古典戏剧节) 、尼亚加拉湖镇当地的萧伯纳节所带来的乐趣,最终我决定远涉重洋自己过来朝拜一番。 |