| 1. | The agriculture moderate large - scale management may overcome the low efficiency 农业适度规模经营可以克服家蕊糕。 |
| 2. | Boldly explore land transfer system and actively push on fairly large scale businesses 大胆探索土地流转机制积极推进适度规模经营 |
| 3. | On behalf of the peasants , the author discussed the best working mode of houma land 从农民的经济利益出发讨论了侯马市土地适度规模经营的最佳模式。 |
| 4. | The main practise and consideration of south jiangsu province and shanghai rural area ' s carrying out agricultural moderate scale management 苏南和沪郊实施农业适度规模经营的主要做法和思考 |
| 5. | First , the worker cultivating expansive land area , can develop large - scale management in the agricultural direct production process 首先,一定劳动者扩大土地的耕种面积,是在农业直接生产过程中发展适度规模经营的主要方式。 |
| 6. | The proper scale management not only is the necessary approach of agro - modernization and agro - industrialization but also is required by the development of agricultural productivity 发展适度规模经营是农业现代化、产业化的必然步骤和最终走向,也是农业生产力发展的内在要求。 |
| 7. | With the agricultural surplus labor force and cultivated land shifting , our country develops the cultivated land from small - scale to large - scale management is an inevitable tendency “联产承包责任制”的优势潜能消散,随着农业剩余劳动力的转移和土地的流转,我国发展耕地适度规模经营的条件基本具备。 |
| 8. | To realize agricultural socialization , commercialization and the scientific style through developing moderate large - scale management and collective economy , is essence of " the second leap " 通过发展适度规模经营和农村集体经济来实现我国农业的社会化、商品化和科学化,是“第二个飞跃”的思想实质。 |
| 9. | The proper scale management of land , the development of the third industry and the development of a large - scale management by the proper centralization to the master - hand in farm had practical meanings in country 进行土地适度规模经营,鼓励农民发展第三产业,把土地适当向种田能手手中集中,发展规模经济更具有现实意义。 |
| 10. | So it is necessary to clarify the land property rights , to promote the liquidity of the land exploiting rights , and practice moderate scale economy through biding and contracting between the different households 然后通过以家庭为单位竞争性承包,实行适度规模经营。农民可以通过土地使用权转让,获得相应的股权收益,从而达到公平与效率的双重效益。 |