| 1. | The boats travel very slowly when the wind is foul . 在逆风的时候,船走得很慢。 |
| 2. | We saw a boat going right straight ahead in the wind's eye . 我们看到一只小船逆风而行。 |
| 3. | To a crazy ship all winds are contrary . 对于一只盲目航行的船来说,所有方向的风都是逆风。 |
| 4. | If the wind were contrary, they might be useful to us . 假使碰到逆风的时候,它们还可以为我们服务哩。 |
| 5. | They may start moving upwind using optomotor stimulation and show positive anemotaxis . 它们凭借视觉刺激,可能开始逆风飞行,表现出正趋风性。 |
| 6. | Balloons have to fly with the wind as they have no engines to drive them against it . 气球只能顺风飘行,因为气球没有发动机提供动力作逆风飞行。 |
| 7. | Airplanes do not ordinarily fly close to the ground in strong winds except in the upwind direction . 除逆风飞行外,飞机在强风中一般不接近地面飞行。 |
| 8. | No heavy leading edge causing the kite to luff 没有重的前沿导致风筝对逆风行驶。 |
| 9. | The plane ' s onward movement was slowed by adverse winds 飞机前进的速度因逆风而减慢。 |
| 10. | The wind is fiom behind / front / left / right 现在是顺风/逆风/左侧风/右侧风。 |