The cytoplasm may not be “ clear ” and should not be solely relied upon to make the diagnosis 本瘤虽名为透明细胞肉瘤,其瘤细胞胞浆的透明度远不如肾透明细胞癌。
Other reported cases in the prostate include a clear cell carcinoma of the prostatic utricle in a 16 year old boy reported from uruguay and a renal cell type of prostatic carcinoma which lacked hobnail cells and had staining patterns similar to renal cell carcinoma 其他有关前列腺透明细胞癌的报道有两例,一例发生在乌拉圭的一个16岁男孩的前列腺囊,另一例报道为前列腺癌的肾细胞型,此类型没有靴钉样细胞,而是与肾细胞癌相似的染色形式。