项: Ⅰ名词1.(颈的后部) nape (of the neck) 短语和例子颈项 neck2.(款项) sum (of money) 短语和例子进项 income; 欠项 liabilities; 用项 items of expenditure; expenditures3.[数学] (不用加、减号连接的单式) term 短语和例子同类项 similar terms; 外项 e
逻辑: logic 短语和例子有学问而且合逻辑地辩论 argue with learning and logic; 逻辑上的错误 an error in logic; 数理逻辑 mathematical logic; 合乎逻辑 logical; 按照这种逻辑 according to that kind of reasoning; 这是什么逻辑 ? what sort of log