On the people names in the folk stories of ewenki minority 论鄂温克族民间故事中的人名
Aoluguya ewenqi nationality village is the last immigrant village and the only deer - raising base 摘要敖鲁古雅鄂温克族乡是我国最后一个移民乡和惟一一个驯鹿养殖基地。
At the association with the man , han and daur , the social economy of the nen river valley ewenki was developed quickly 在与满族、汉族及达翰尔族等的交过程中,嫩江流域鄂温克族的社会经济也得到了较快的发展。
As the ewenki were proficient in riding and shooting , the qing government often transferred them to fight , suo lun powerful enemy well known 由于鄂温克族精于骑射,清政府常常抽调他们出征作战,于是“索伦劲旅闻天下” 。
The qing government made the ewenki of nen river valley to form into the banners and to set up assistant , managed by the butaha yaman 清政府将嫩江流域的鄂温克族编旗设佐,由布特哈衙门管理,令他们披甲驻防、贡纳貂皮、进行渔猎牧垦。
For the urban boys and all girls , the somatotype are similar to mongolian , daur , and hungarian at the most age groups 成年男性与蒙古族、加拿大及美国东部、中西部人群相类似;女性与蒙古族、鄂伦春族、鄂温克族、达斡尔族较为相似。
The long - drawn - out war brought a tremendous pain , and death for the ewerki but they has certainly made no small contribution to defend the country unifying and country ' s territorial integrity 长期征战虽然给鄂温克族带来巨大的痛苦和牺牲,但他们在清代维护祖国统一和领土完整的历史进程中是功不可没的。
This article , taking the ewenkis as example , discusses the developmental road for nationalities of little population and summarizes the important experience of the development for nationalities of little population 摘要本文以鄂温克族为例,探析了人口较少民族发展的道路,分析总结了人口较少民族发展的重要经验。
First , the state of development of mongolian education ; second , state of development of daur education ; third , the state of development of ewenki , orogen , the han nationality , russia live abroad education ; fourth , the state of studying abroad of all minorities 一、蒙古族的教育发展状况;二、达斡尔族的教育发展状况;三、鄂温克族、鄂伦春族、汉族、俄侨的教育发展状况;四、各少数民族的留学状况。
As a special group of ewenki ethnic minority , with a population of 232 , they speak olguya dialect , a branch of manchu tungus language family . according to the historical documents , as early as back in 2000 bc , their ancestors already lived in wender forest tundra , over of nibuchu river , north - east part of out baigal lake and baigal lake from 16th century to the mid - 17 century , following wild deer , they came to the area near weile river , branch of lena river and weitmu , north - west of baigal lake . during 18th century , along silik river , this group of people reached big sin ' an mountain . the rich natural resources there became the sources of their livelihood 驯鹿鄂温克人是指居住在内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔市所辖根河市敖鲁古雅鄂温克民族乡的鄂温克人,史称“使鹿部” ,使用的语言是满?通古斯语族鄂温克语敖鲁古雅方言,人口在2001年乡统计为232人,是我国鄂温克族中的独特群体。据史书记载,驯鹿鄂温克人的祖先在公元前2000年就居住在外贝加尔湖和贝加尔湖东北部尼布楚河上游的温多山林苔原高地。到了16世纪至17世纪中叶,他们追随野生驯鹿至贝加尔湖西北列拿河支流威吕河和维提姆河一带。