Kunta was grateful to sit, for his legs felt like water and his head felt light . 昆塔对于能坐下来倒是颇感欣慰,因为他的双腿已经酥软无力,脑袋也昏昏悠悠。
When i got out of the jacuzzi , i was limp as a noodle 我从浴缸里出来时,浑身酥软无力。
He knew that she was not speaking the truth , but the warm touch of her arm as it leaned firmly on his own , left him powerless 他心里明白她在撒谎。但是她的胳膊紧紧地挽住他的胳膊,一种温暖的感觉使他浑身酥软了。
And his anger gave him a peculiar handsomeness , an inwardness and glisten that thrilled her and made her limbs go molten . still he took no notice of her 在愤怒中的他,有一种深刻光泽的特殊的美,使她心醉,使她的四脚酥软。
Huzhou zongzi are longer in shape than the usual zongzi , and come in sweet bean - paste and savory pork versions , with the rice boiled until soft but not mushy 湖州粽是长形粽,分为豆沙甜粽与猪肉咸粽,生米入滚水煮到米粒酥软为止。
Never had she known such a sense of shame before . little by little she felt her power of resistance ebbing away , and that despite her embarrassed efforts to the contrary 她从未感到过这么害臊,尽管她很难为情,并竭尽全力挣扎,她仍然渐渐地感到浑身酥软下来。
The transports and artillery moved noiselessly , buried up to their axles , and the infantry sank to their ankles in the soft , stifling , burning dust , that never got cool even at night 辎重车和炮车的轮毂,步兵的脚踝,都陷在酥软窒闷夜里也未冷却的燥热的尘土里,无声地行进着。
Then she threw her head and bosom back and , melting , as it were , in one great bodily caress , she rubbed her cheeks coaxingly , first against one shoulder , then against the other 她挺起胸脯,抚摸全身,这时她浑身酥软了,她温存地轻轻地摩擦着面颊,她用面颊时而轻轻摩擦右肩,时而轻轻摩擦左肩。