| 1. | It is of profound interest to elucidate the enzymatic activities in soil . 阐明土壤中酶的活性是有深远意义的。 |
| 2. | Certain drugs and chemicals also have been shown to decrease the activity of pseudocholine esterase . 有些药物和化学制品也表明能降低拟胆碱酯酶的活性。 |
| 3. | The glyoxylate bypass enzymes are at or below the limits of detection, even after a single day of germination . 甚至在萌发一天之后,乙醛酸支路的酶的活性是处于或低于检测极限的。 |
| 4. | Study on the content and activity of p 家兔各组织蛋白二硫键异构酶的活性及含量研究 |
| 5. | 2 how dose betaine affect dna - methyltransferase 甜菜碱如何影响dna甲基转移酶的活性 |
| 6. | Change of pathogen resistance related protein after induced by glucohexaose 葡聚六糖诱导后黄瓜叶片几种酶的活性变化动态 |
| 7. | Decomposition of pinus massoniana needle driven by deuteromycetes dynamics of lignocellulolytic enzymes 木质纤维素酶的活性动力学 |
| 8. | Carrot antifreeze protein does not exhibit the polygalactu - ronase - inhibiting activity of pgip family 家族抑制多聚半乳糖醛酸酶的活性 |
| 9. | The activity of plant and microbic phytases depending on the medium ph was studied 研究了培养基依赖性植物和微生物肌醇六磷酸酶的活性。 |
| 10. | The quantum chemistry calculation of the active site of a novel vanadium - containing superoxide dismutase 钒模拟超氧化物歧化酶的活性中心计算 |