Compound benzoic acid ointment is used in the treatment of fungal infections of the skin 复合苯甲酸酸软膏被使用在皮肤的真菌感染的治疗。
Topical isotretinoin ointment 0 . 05 vs . retinoic acid cream 0 . 05 in the treatment of acne vulgaris : a multicenter , randomized clinical trial 酸软膏治疗寻常痤疮的多中心随机对照研究
Warming the kidney and fixing sperm , used in ache and weak at waist and knee , vertigo and tinnitus , spermatorrhea and prospermia caused by insufficiency of the kidney - yang 温肾固精。用于肾阳不足所致的腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣、遗精早泄,有助于男性器官二次发育。
Containing privet essence , along with the heat of hot spring , it features favorable effect on curing liver and kidney deficiency , lumbar debility , dizziness , tinnitus , white hair and poor vision 温泉水中加入女贞子药包,结合泉水的热力作用,对肝肾阴虚、腰膝酸软、头晕、耳鸣、须发早白、目暗不明有一定疗效。
Amphetamines cause psychological and physical dependence easily . withdrawal symptoms of amphetamines including extreme fatigue , weakness , sometimes loss of sleep , irritation , anxiety , loss of coordination , depression and suicidal tendency 由于冰会令人产生极强的依赖性,吊瘾时会感觉非常疲倦、混身酸软、睡眠失调、暴躁、焦虑、动作协调因难、抑郁或有自杀念头。
Chronic nephritis , allergic purpura nephritis , insufficient renal function , nephrotic syndrome , pyelonephritis , erythematous lupus nephritis , diabetic nephropathy , and various edema accompanying with relative weakness in the loins and knees , fatigue and asthenia , cold limb , especially women with cold limb who are easily to suffer cold injury 适应人群急性慢性肾炎,过敏性紫癜性肾炎,肾功不全,肾病综合症,肾盂肾炎,红斑狼疮性肾炎,糖尿病肾病。以及各种水肿病伴有腰膝酸软,疲乏无力,手足不温,尤其女士手足常凉,易冻伤。
This product is beneficial stomach , secretary precision yiqi ; for kidney deficiency , a lack of precision . cough asthenia , the cardinal malaise , insomnia forgetful , dried numbness , menstrual disorders , premature ejaculation , impotence , chronic bronchitis , chronic renal insufficiency . hyperlipidemia , and cancer , cirrhosis and other 此产品具有补益肺肾、秘精益气作用;用于肺肾两虚、精气不足、久咳虚喘、神疲乏力、不寐健忘、腰膝酸软、月经不调、阳痿早泄、慢性支气管炎、慢性肾功能不全、高脂血症、癌症、肝硬化等。