垫: Ⅰ动词1.(用东西支、铺或衬, 使加高、加厚或平正) put sth. under sth. else to raise it or make it level; fill up; pad 短语和例子垫路 repair a road by filling the holes; 桌子腿底下垫点纸就平了。 put a wad of paper under the leg of
银: Ⅰ名词1.(金属元素) silver (ag) 短语和例子纯银 fine [pure; refined] silver; 天然银 native silver2.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子银木 yin muⅡ形容词1.(跟货币有关的) relating to currency or money 短语和例子银行 bank2.(像银子的颜色) silver-colo