There are deep sad lines which extend from his nose to the corners of his mouth . 从鼻翅到嘴角镂刻着两道深纹,露出几分苍凉之态。
Fairy tales always in our childhoods and in hearts deeply 镂刻在岁月里的童话.汩汩地淌在心房作祟
Memory blocks through the crystals , i did have toward ? the long - awaited translucent sunlight 透过记忆镂刻的结晶体,雨点纷纷扑向我渴望中半透明的阳光。
In addition to the ancient lake beds are regions carved with dense networks of channels , seemingly created by rainfall and surface runoff 除了古老湖床之外,某些地区表面还镂刻著致密的沟渠网络,似乎是降雨和表面迳流的杰作。
On a convex mirror mounted on a corner of the building where traffic turns , hsu cheng - jen has etched the visage of chen weiying , as a road sign showing the way forward 许拯人利用转弯处使用的交通凸面镜,将陈维英的面容镂刻其上,好让以镜为记的路标,可以指引前行的方向。
In 1981 , a few weeks before being elected , in response to reporters ' questions he once commented , " can we succeed in embodying our cultural plan in spatial form , engraving it concretely in matter 1981年,他在当选总统的几个星期前,回答记者的访问就曾说道:我们能够成功地将我们的文化计画烙印在空间里、镂刻在物质材料上吗?
One could say that paper - cutting is the most popular , wide - spread , and regionally varied folk art in china . stencil printing uses a perforated board of non - absorbent material as a matrix such as specially treated paper or , nowadays , plastic 其特点是正刻正印,将纸皮,塑胶版,塑料布或透明胶片等镂刻图形制成孔版,通过多版分色漏印,形成了色彩丰富的图案。
One could say that paper - cutting is the most popular , wide - spread , and regionally varied folk art in china . stencil printing uses a perforated board of non - absorbent material as a matrix ( such as specially treated paper or , nowadays , plastic ) 其特点是正刻正印,将纸皮,塑胶版,塑料布或透明胶片等镂刻图形制成孔版,通过多版分色漏印,形成了色彩丰富的图案。
" no , monsieur , " returned the count ; and he drew from his pocket a marvellous casket , formed out of a single emerald and closed by a golden lid which unscrewed and gave passage to a small greenish colored pellet about the size of a pea “没什么,阁下。 ”伯爵回答道,说完他从衣袋里摸出了一只非常名贵的小盒子,那是整块翡翠镂刻成的,上面有一个金质的盖子,盖子一转,就从里面倒出了一粒淡绿色的小丸子,约莫有豌豆大小。