Chinese translation for "长柄漆刷"
- fitch
manhelper striker
Related Translations:
漆: Ⅰ名词1.(用漆树皮里的黏汁或其他树脂制成的涂料) lacquer; paint 短语和例子黑漆 black lacquer; 漆盘 lacquer tray2.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子漆亮 qi liangⅡ动词(把漆涂在器物上) coat with lacquer; paint 短语和例子把门漆成深绿色 paint the door dark green 柄: Ⅰ名词1.(器物的把儿) handle 短语和例子勺柄 the handle of a ladle; 刀柄 the handle of a knife; 枪柄 butt; stock of gun; 斧柄 the shaft of an axe; helve2.(植物的花、叶或果实跟茎或枝连接部分) stem 短语和例子叶柄 petiole; leaf stalk3.(言行 圆漆刷: round brushround paint brush 马鬃刷: horse hair brushhorsehair brush
- Similar Words:
- "长柄捻缝凿" Chinese translation, "长柄捻缝凿长柄捻缝凿捻缝凿" Chinese translation, "长柄捻缝凿捻缝凿" Chinese translation, "长柄暖床器" Chinese translation, "长柄平底浅锅" Chinese translation, "长柄钳,伸缩铁" Chinese translation, "长柄浅锅" Chinese translation, "长柄清洗用具" Chinese translation, "长柄曲棍球" Chinese translation, "长柄砂针" Chinese translation