a long journey to be made on foot; a long and arduous journey; a long and hard journey; a long trek; make a long journey on foot; trek a long way; trudgeover a long distance 短语和例子 这些骆驼在沙漠里长途跋涉。 these camels travelled enormous distance over the desert regions. 他只身长途跋涉, 从东向西横穿整个非洲大陆。 he traversed alone the whole continent of africa from east to west
他只身长途跋涉从东向西横穿整个非洲大陆: he traversed alone the whole continent of africa from east to west
Example Sentences:
I'm boiling after the long walk . 长途跋涉后,我觉得热极了。
The long tramp beat him . 长途跋涉使他筋疲力尽。
These camels travelled enormous distance over the desert regions . 这些骆驼在沙漠里长途跋涉。
The march would consume half of the useful life of the vehicle . 此次长途跋涉将过于损耗车辆的寿命。
As they are expected to be hungry after their long journey, food is laid out for them . 由于经过长途跋涉他们必定饥饿,人们为他们摆好了食品。
He carried his knapsack on his shoulder, and was covered with dust, as though he had walked far . 他肩杠背包,浑身尘土,好象是经过长途跋涉似的。
His taking the long journey for so small a reward gave the measure of his impatience . 他长途跋涉竟只得到这么一点报酬,由此可以推测他不耐烦的程度。
As they are expected to be hungry after their long journey , food is laid out for them . 估计他们经过长途跋涉后必然感到饥饿,因此给他们准备了吃的。
Her eyes, shadowed by the journey, glanced eagerly about, welcoming all she saw; a wisp of hair was loose above her ear . 她的眼睛由于长途跋涉而显得有点暗淡,急切地四下望望,仿佛样样都要看一看;一绺头发被在她的耳朵上。
Tired from his long walk , he slumped into a chair 长途跋涉累得他倒在椅子上了。