管道阻力: duct losspipe resistancepipeline resistanceresistance of ductingresistance through passage
Example Sentences:
The length of mandible in male is longer than in female , and the length from posterior border of the mandibular condyle to the central section of m1 and to the under - minipeak of m3 , the height of the mandibular branch is relative smaller in male than in female 通过对太行山猕猴下颌生物力学、异速生长的研究表明,雄性下颌相对较长,与此有关的生物力学特点是下颌髁后缘至m1近中侧长、下颌髁后缘至m3下次小尖长和下颌支高等阻力臂减小,而下颌髁长、下颌髁宽、下颌体高、下颌体宽、下颌联合长等变量则增强,使咀嚼力增加。