| 1. | Aleks helped himself to more brandy . 阿列克又给自己斟上些白兰地。 |
| 2. | He would have to manipulate alcks . 他无论如何必须降住阿列克。 |
| 3. | The gunfire made aleks wince . 枪声使阿列克战栗了一下。 |
| 4. | Aleks gave a boyish smile . 阿列克斯象个孩子似地笑了。 |
| 5. | Today he was due for another session with aleks . 他今天预定和阿列克再进行一轮会谈。 |
| 6. | Walden was excited about alek's counter-proposal . 沃尔登对阿列克的反建议感到十分兴奋。 |
| 7. | He realised suddenly how well aleks had handled the whole thing . 他突然意识到这一切阿列克掌握得多么好。 |
| 8. | "how do you do, aleksei andreivitch," she said formally . “你好,阿列克赛安德罗维奇。”她一本正经地说。 |
| 9. | I thought i was going to manipulate aleks, but in the event, he manipulated me . 我原想要降住阿列克,但最终是他降住了我。 |
| 10. | He had promised to secure alek's consent to the constantinople plan, but he was not sure now . 他答应说服阿列克接受君士坦丁堡的计划,但他心中没底。 |