Blending and colliding between chinese and western culture 从二十六年河南盐务陋规案谈起
Go , where you may , search where you will roam through all the monarchies and despotism of the old world , travel through south america , search out every abuse , and when you have found the last , lay your facts by the side of the everyday practices of this nation , and you will say with me that , for revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy , america reigns without a rival 你们走遍了海角天涯,找遍旧大陆(指欧洲)所有君主专制的集权国家,访遍南美洲,到处去挑出一切陋规恶习,然后拿那些东西与这个国家每天所干的事情比较一下,你们就会像我这样说:在极端野蛮和最无耻的伪善方面,美国确实首屈一指,举世无双。