[ xiàn ] Ⅰ名词 (指定的范围; 限度) limit; bounds 短语和例子 期限 time limit; 上[下] 限 upper [lower] limit; 以年底为限 set the end of the year as the deadline; 一个人的精力有限。 there is a limit to a man's energy.Ⅱ动词 (指定范围, 不许超过) set a limit; limit; restrict 短语和例子 限一个月完成 allow one month to finish sth.; 不要限得太死, 要有点灵活性。 don't make rigid restrictions, allow a certain latitude. 每人限购四张票。 each customer is limited to four tickets. 人数不限。 there is no restriction [limit] on the number of people. 我们的考察范围仅限于狩猎动物。 our survey was restricted to the game animals. 这个版本限出一万册, 价格为十二美元。 the edition is limited to 10,000 copies priced twelve dollars
Related Translations:
检测限: detectabilitydetection limitlimit of quantitation