She lived in fear that her vision would be disturbed and she would find herself again within the prison walls of court leys . 她唯恐这幻觉被干扰,唯恐她又陷身莱伊府第的四壁牢墙之内。
Especially companies involved with subprime loans 尤其是陷身于次级贷款的公司
Patience ! the world is a vast and ghastly intricacy of mechanism , and one has to be very wary , not to get mangled by it 忍耐吧世界是个广大而可怖的机器网,若要不陷身其中,一个人得好好地小心从事。
Granted , workers at the bottom of the economic ladder have few options to begin with , but at some point on the continuum of exploitation , even those options are lost 用不著说,处于经济阶层底端的人本来就没有多少选择,但是在各种不同程度的剥削中,到了某个程度,陷身其中的人连仅有的选择权利都丧失了。
Yet , when this cherished volume was now placed in my hand - when i turned over its leaves , and sought in its marvellous pictures the charm i had , till now , never failed to find - all was eerie and dreary ; the giants were gaunt goblins , the pigmies malevolent and fearful imps , gulliver a most desolate wanderer in most dread and dangerous regions 然而,此刻当我手里捧着这本珍爱的书,一页页翻过去,从精妙的插图中寻觅以前每试必爽的魅力时,我找到的只是怪异和凄凉。巨人成了憔悴的妖怪,矮子沦为恶毒可怖的小鬼,而格列佛则已是陷身于险境的孤独的流浪者了。