| 1. | This was reflected in his famous book called analects of confucius 他对礼的态度集中反映在记载他言行的《论语》当中。 |
| 2. | It focus on the common value , sense , and behavior of college teachers and students 它集中反映了大学师生共同的价值取向、思维方式和行为规范,构成校园富有特色的团体意识和精神氛围。 |
| 3. | Bureau sprit is the focus reflection of bureau collective consciousness , thinking inertia , behavior habit and working style 摘要机关精神是以行政理念为核心的机关集体意识、思维惯性、行为习惯、工作作风等的集中反映。 |
| 4. | Many stone carvings , brick carvings and couplets to pray lucky and wishes also meet with the emotional request to pursue lucky and avoid disaster 许多祈求吉祥如意的石雕,砖雕,楹联也集中反映了居民趋吉避凶的心理需求。 |
| 5. | Self - regulation dominates the whole thinking activity , also , it can reflect the level of development on solvers " thinking and intelligence 自我监控在整个智力活动中处于支配地位,集中反映一个人思维和智力的发展水平。 |
| 6. | It is a kind of linguistic expression which describes people ' s cognition of the world and then saturates it into elegant culture and folk culture 对偶思维是一种耦合性思维,集中反映了汉民族写作的整体思维和对立统一思维。 |
| 7. | Line loss rate is an important synthetic indicator that reflects the energy consumption management level of power supply enterprises 摘要线损率是供电企业的一项重要综合性技术经济指标,它集中反映了供电企业的能耗管理水平。 |
| 8. | It mirrors an enterprise to manufacture management activity centrally the benefit of each respect , it is the financial positive result with final undertaking 它集中反映企业生产经营活动各方面的效益,是企业最终的财务成果。 |
| 9. | The digital television set - top - box reflects the advanced level focalization on multimedia computer and communication technology 摘要数字电视机顶盒的技术含量非常高,它集中反映了多媒体、计算机、通信技术和网络技术的发展水平。 |
| 10. | And the key link lies in the design of the facade of the municipal building , in order to connect and unite these two related functions 具体设计操作中,集中反映层次间相互作用的建筑“界面”从实际工作中突显出来,成为设计的关键所在。 |