这场雹子把庄稼毁了: the hailstorm ruined the crops. burn up
Example Sentences:
Hailstones were rattling on the roofs . 雹子打在屋顶上乒乓乱响。
It 's hailing . 下雹子了。
It was so fine this morning. who would have thought it would hail in the afternoon ! 早上天气还好好的,不料下午竟下起雹子来了。
Stones hailed down on them 石头像雹子一样落在他们身上
But they were not only tipsy ; it was plain that they were furiously angry 但他们不光是喝醉了,看起来还暴跳如雷,吵骂声像雹子一样,不时达到高潮。
A mix of snow , sleet , and freezing rain has pummeled the east coast just days before the arrival of spring 在春天来临之前,一场混杂着雪、雹子和冰冷的雨水的雨夹雪这些天持续击打着东部海岸。
And huge hailstones , about one hundred pounds each , came down from heaven upon men ; and men blasphemed god because of the plague of the hail , because its plague was extremely severe 启16 : 21又有大雹子从天落在人身上、每一个约重一他连得一他连得约有九十斤为这雹子的灾极大、人就亵渎神。
The first angel sounded , and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood , and they were cast upon the earth : and the third part of trees was burnt up , and all green grass was burnt up 启8 : 7第一位天使吹号、就有雹子与火搀著血丢在地上地的三分之一和树的三分之一被烧了、一切的青草也被烧了。
And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven , every stone about the weight of a talent : and men blasphemed god because of the plague of the hail ; for the plague thereof was exceeding great 启16 : 21又有大雹子从天落在人身上、每一个约重一他连得一他连得约有九十斤为这雹子的灾极大、人就亵渎神。
The first sounded , and there came hail and fire , mixed with blood , and they were thrown to the earth ; and a third of the earth was burned up , and a third of the trees were burned up , and all the green grass was burned up 启8 : 7第一位天使吹号、就有雹子与火搀著血丢在地上地的三分之一和树的三分之一被烧了、一切的青草也被烧了。