[ huòrán ] 1.(突然) suddenly; quickly; rapidly 短语和例子 霍然而起 spring to one's feet; 手电筒霍然一亮。 suddenly somebody flashed an electric torch.2.[书面语] (病痛迅速消除) (of an illness) be cured quickly 短语和例子 数日之后, 定当霍然。 you will be restored to health in a matter of days
霍然大怒: bluster oneself into anger; suddenly grew very angry; suddenly to burst into a fit of temper; one's anger flared up.; burst into a passion; fly into a rage; flare up
手电筒霍然一亮: suddenly somebody flashed an electric torch
数日之后定当霍然: you will be restored to health in a matter of days
Example Sentences:
You will be restored to health in a matter of days . 数日之后,定当霍然。
Suddenly somebody flashed an electric torch . 手电筒霍然一亮。
After taking some herbal medicine , there is a remarkable recovery and the crazy one becomes extremely intelligent 吴芝为救好友,两人不惜远赴马来西亚求医,并取得灵丹妙药,石狗公服后霍然而愈,而且变得更为聪敏过人。
Natashas instinct told her what he was going to do , and without herself knowing how she did it , she followed his lead , abandoning herself to him . at one moment he spun her round , first on his right arm , then on his left arm , then falling on one knee , twirled her round him and again galloped , dashing forward with such vehemence that he seemed to intend to race through the whole suite of rooms without taking breath . then he stopped suddenly again and executed new and unexpected steps in the dance 娜塔莎正在猜着他打算做点什么事,而她自己竟然不知道,怎么会听任他摆布,跟在他后面走去,时而他带着她旋转,时而用右手,时而用左手,时而弯屈膝头,引导她绕着自己转动,又霍然站立起来,飞速地向前冲去,就好像他要不喘气地跑过这几个房间似的,时而他又忽然停下来,出人意外地跳出一个新花样。