green and yellow have not joined -- a new crop has not yet come.; (the granary is nearly empty) but the new crop is not yet ripe.; food shortage between two harvests.; temporary shortage; the new crop is [has] not yet come in.; (it was the period of the spring shortage), when last season's crops were almost eaten up and the new ones were not yet ripe.; short of food before the new harvest; when the crop is still in the blade, the old stock is already consumed.; when the new crop is still in the blade and the old one is all consumed 短语和例子 现在科技人材青黄不接。 there are not enough trained younger men and women ready to take over from older experts
Three rains had passed, and it was that lean season . 三个雨季已经过去,正到了青黄不接的时节。
There are not enough trained younger men and women ready to take over from older experts . 现在科技人材青黄不接。
When a man begins to think seriously of saving for a rainy day , it ' s probably a rainy day 当一个人开始认真想到该存钱供青黄不接的时候,八成已经是青黄不接了。
Since 1975 , when “ jaws ” chewed up the competition , hollywood has increasingly relied on summer and christmas blockbusters to tide it through leaner months 自从1975年, 《大白鲨》 “一口咬乱”了市场竞争,好莱坞就越来越器重暑期和圣诞节档的大片,这有助于他们渡过青黄不接的淡季。
Old mechanic great majority is emeritus already , new mechanic talented person does not fill to come up again , this kind " temporary shortage " the phenomenon is serious already block up the health of chinese refrigeration industry develops 老技工大多数已退休,新的技工人才又补不上来,这种“青黄不接”的现象已严重阻碍了中国制冷行业的健康发展。
After entering the wto to melt into the international market , the problem of structural shortage of human resource , narrow knowledge , relatively low general character level , lack of complex - talented personnel will be exposed in our construction troops 进入wto融入国际市场后,我国施工企业将显露出队伍层次青黄不接、知识面狭窄、整体素质不高、缺乏复合型人才的弊端。