| 1. | The road from mansfield swerved round to the north 从曼斯非尔德来的的路,至此往北折转。 |
| 2. | Oh no ! we d manage with field . there would always be another man there “呵,用不着,我们带非尔德去全蚝了,那边总会有个仆人的。 ” |
| 3. | Connie sat and listened with her heart in her boots , as field was filling petrol 当非尔德去添汽油的时候,康妮坐在车里觉得肉麻地听着。 |
| 4. | It s no good ! said clifford in a frenzy . i m going to send out field and betts to find her 克利福在狂躁中说, “我要打发非尔德或白蒂斯找她去。 ” |
| 5. | Then i ll telephone to sheffield for dr carrington , and dr lecky may as well run round straight away 那么我要打电话到雪非尔德叫加凌东医生,我请勒基医生马上来。 ” |
| 6. | Why not let me wait , and fetch field ? he is strong enough for the job , said clifford . it s so near , she panted “为什么不去叫非尔德来推,让我在此地等着,他是够强壮来做这种事的。 ” |
| 7. | He sent a servant to ask , could he be of any service to lady chatterley : he thought of driving into sheffield 他叫仆人去问查太莱夫人要他帮什么忙不,因为他打算乘火车到雪非尔德走走。 |
| 8. | The other one was a schoolteacher in chesterfield ; she came home weekends , when she wasn t asked out somewhere 名他一个是在斯脱非尔德当教员,她每星期末了便回家来看望母亲,如果波太太不到旁地方去的话。 |
| 9. | I ll run into sheffield i think , and lunch there , if i may , and be back to tea . may i do anything for you 我想到雪非尔德走一趟,在那儿午餐,如果你喜欢的话,午后我将回这里来喝茶,我可以替你做点什么事么? |
| 10. | They aren t ever serious about anything , except showing off on motor - bikes and dancing at the palais - de - danse in sheffield 他们无论什么事都不认真,除了坐在两轮摩托车上出风头,和到雪非尔德的跳舞厅去跳舞。 |