| 1. | The measurement and application in nonlocality of quantum 量子非局域性的应用与度量 |
| 2. | Quantum mechanical model with nonlocal potential 具有非局域势的量子力学模型 |
| 3. | The discussion of the quantum nonlocality by two atoms 两粒子非最大纠缠态的量子非局域性 |
| 4. | Nonlocal correlative property of quantum state 量子态的非局域关联性 |
| 5. | Nonlocality of two entangled particles 两粒子纠缠态的非局域性 |
| 6. | The effects of thermal environment on quantum nonlocality in atom - field coupling system 场耦合系统中量子非局域性的影响 |
| 7. | Implementing a non - local swap operation on two entangled pairs by a three - qubit entangled state and a bell state 态作量子信道实现非局域的态交换 |
| 8. | No quantum non - locality is involved in this case , because the photons are not spatially separated 在这个实验中,非纠缠光子对空间上没有分离,因而不牵涉非局域性。 |
| 9. | In fifth century kubo derived his theoretical linear formula for calculating non - local response function Kubo早在50年代就导出了计算非局域响应函数的线性理论公式。 |
| 10. | Therefore the ghost diffraction phenomenon is not an experimental evidence for quantum non - locality 由此可以断定鬼衍射现象并不能作为量子力学非局域性存在的实验证明。 |