| 1. | The power must withdraw thoroughly the pattern of illegal benefits 权力必须彻底退出非法利益格局 |
| 2. | Fraud is the purposive behavior that someone takes in order to gain illegal benefits through using illegal methods 摘要舞弊通常是指为获得非法利益采用不法手段所实施的故意行为。 |
| 3. | Issues of concern including offering and acceptance of illegal advantages , mishandling of confidential information and conflict of interest 常见问题,包括提供或收受非法利益、不当处理机密资料及利益冲突 |
| 4. | Issues of concern including offering and acceptance of illegal advantages , mishandling of confidential information and conflict of interest -常见问题,包括提供或收受非法利益、不当处理机密资料及利益冲突 |
| 5. | Judicial of law equates improper profit with illicit profit and reduces the scope of improper profit , which goes against legislative intent 司法解释将不正当利益等同于非法利益,缩小了“不正当利益”的范围,有悸于立法精神。 |
| 6. | This has led to banning of more players and corporations , that obviously tried to transfer their gains , or had used them to obtain unfair advantage 通过调查,将有可能对帮助了这些角色进行销赃或者利用这些角色获取非法利益的玩家或者军团进行封停处罚。 |
| 7. | In judicial practice , improper profit should include illicit profit and the profit which violates rules , regulations , decrees and socialist morality 在司法实践中, “不正当利益”应当包括非法利益,违背规章、制度、条例、办法、命令等(包括企、事业单位。 |
| 8. | The former chairman , charged with a further six counts of soliciting and accepting illegal advantages , was originally scheduled to appear in the high court in 1991 together with the seven other defendants 前主席原需就另外六项收受及索取非法利益的控罪,跟其馀七名被告排期于一九九一年在高等法院审讯。 |
| 9. | If the supervising units collude with the contracting units in order to reap illegitimate profits for the contracting units , which has resulted in losses on the part of project owners , the supervising units shall bear joint liability for damages 工程监理单位与承包单位串通,为承包单位谋取非法利益,给建设单位造成损失的,应当与承包单位承担连带赔偿责任。 |
| 10. | The icac subsequently arrested seven other suspects . including one arrested earlier , they were charged with pbo offences that included soliciting and accepting illegal advantages or of aiding and abetting others to accept these illegal advantages 其后廉署再拘捕另外七名涉案人士包括较早前被捕的另一联交所人士,并控以向多间申请上市的公司索取及收受非法利益及教唆收受非法利益罪。 |