| 1. | Occasionally they form small temporary groups made up of fewer than five adults 成年的非洲野驴偶尔也会组成暂时性的小团体,成驴的数量通常不超过五匹。 |
| 2. | This assistance allows us to do our fieldwork on foot in the midst of the best area for the african wild ass 他们的协助让我们能在最好的地点,直接观察非洲野驴。 |
| 3. | Since that exciting day , my colleagues and i have identified at least 45 asses that inhabit the plateau 自从振奋人心的那天开始,我和研究同仁至少已经辨识出45匹在梅西尔高原上的非洲野驴。 |
| 4. | At last i was setting out to find them or , more accurately , to find out whether they still existed 最后,我终于如愿以偿,出发前往寻找非洲野驴,说得更正确一点,是去确定?们是否还存在这个世界上。 |
| 5. | When i set out to search for the african wild ass in the danakil in 1994 , no sightings had been documented for 20 years 1994年我出发前往丹纳基尔沙漠研究非洲野驴时,那里已经有20年没有这种动物的记录。 |
| 6. | It soon became clear to us that although very few wild asses remained , the local afar pastoralists knew where we could find these elusive animals 我们很快就知道,虽然非洲野驴的现存数量不多,但是当地的阿法尔族牧羊人,却知道哪里可以找到这些已经逐渐消失在人们记忆中的动物。 |
| 7. | What we have uncovered so far tells us that their behavior is typical for equids living in arid habitats : the dominant males maintain mating territories , and the only socially stable group is a mother and her offspring 我们目前的研究结果指出,非洲野驴的行为模式,就是乾燥环境下马科动物的典型生活模式,亦即优势雄驴会占有领土并取得交配权,且只有雌驴和子代会形成稳定关系。 |
| 8. | Our findings about reproductive biology are still limited , but they indicate that females have their first foal at five or six years of age , rather than the more common four or five years , and then may give birth every other year 对于非洲野驴的繁殖,我们的研究仍然有限,但是已经观察到雌驴产下第一胎的年龄,并非一般常见的4 ~ 5岁,而是在5 ~ 6岁左右,之后则是每隔一年生产一次。 |