[ miànhóngěrchì ] flush with shame; a red flush spread from (sb.'s) face to his neck.; become [get; be] red in the face; be flushed -- feeling ashamed; become red to the ears; (become) crimson with anger; emotionally excited; flushing bright red; flush red in the face; blush (up) to the roots of one's hair; blush up to the ears; as red as a turkey-cock; flush up to one's ears; one's face reddens to the ears.; suffused with blushes; turn purple (with rage) 短语和例子 争论得面红耳赤 colour up to the ears in the heated argument
争论得面红耳赤: colour up to the ears in the heated argument
Example Sentences:
Mr. holohan became very red and excited . 霍罗汉变得面红耳赤,激动极了。
Nozdreff fired up at once . 诺兹德廖夫当时气得面红耳赤。
They had excited themselves over . 大家吵得面红耳赤。
This sage conclave disputed high and drank deep . 在这次雅集中,这批仁人君子争得面红耳赤,喝得醉意淋漓。
You could have made her colour, any day in the year, by calling her a rank egoist . 在一年的任何一天,你只要说一声她十分自私,就可以把她弄得面红耳赤。
She could never without much blushing ask the necessary questions of the recipients of her charity . 当她向领受救济的人问一些必要的关于救济的问题时,她每次都羞得面红耳赤。
His lips quivered, he was red and sweaty, but like a punch-drunk boxer he refused to take the count . 他嘴唇发抖,面红耳赤,满头大汗,但像一个拳击手,虽已被打得鼻青脸肿,却仍不肯认输。
Having praised and coaxed the weak youth until he blushed and tingled with pleasure, she took another theme . 这个意志薄弱的小伙子,被她的称赞和恭维弄得面红耳赤,神魂颠倒,她才改变了话题。
Many of the terms used in the most matter-of-fact way by this great assemblage of the first ladies and gentlemen in the land would have made a comanche blush . 这一大群人明明都是国中最上等的绅士淑女,但是他们用最实事求是的态度说出话来,所用的字眼儿有许多都是让科芒契人听了都得面红耳赤的。
She coloured faintly and seemed put off her stride 她有点面红耳赤,看来被激怒了。