| 1. | Argumentation about genealogical order of han yu ' s forefathers 韩愈先世世次辨证 |
| 2. | Tendency of hoping for change in hanyu ' s landscape poetry 韩愈山水诗的求变倾向 |
| 3. | Ou - yang xiu ' s role from han yu to song poetry 论欧阳修对韩愈诗歌的接受与宋诗的奠基 |
| 4. | Study on the relationship between quan de - y and han yu 权德舆与韩愈关系探微 |
| 5. | Qinshou and renyi daode - hanyu ' demonstration on menciusian 论韩愈对孟子思想的论证 |
| 6. | Simple investigation of hanyu ' s huxiang profound feeling 韩愈的湖湘情结探微 |
| 7. | Life perception and mood change under an autocratic government 以韩愈的潮州之贬为中心 |
| 8. | On huang tingjian ' s acceptance to han yu ' s poem 论黄庭坚对韩愈诗歌的接受 |
| 9. | Han yu ' s views on relieving the people and stabilizing the country 韩愈恤民安邦思想浅议 |
| 10. | The unique qualities of poetry and prose by han yu 韩愈诗文语词特质散论 |