| 1. | The diazirines are interesting, highly strained ring systems . 偶氮杂环丙烷是一类重要的、环内张力颇大的化合物。 |
| 2. | Appreciable differences may occur, however, when small deformations considerably alter the loading conditions . 当微量变形能使加载条件发生颇大改变时,就会产生颇大的差异。 |
| 3. | Inasmuch as the labour involved is nearly independent of the size of the preparation, the following procedure is designed on a fairly large scale . 由于在制备工作中所花费的劳动力几乎同制备量的多少无关,下述操作手续是按颇大的批量来设计的。 |
| 4. | In 1996 we were both looking for a new project in a considerably changed environment 1996年时,我们都在变化颇大的环境中寻找新计画。 |
| 5. | Computing such a large number of interactions also presents substantial technical difficulties 要运算这麽庞大的互动讯息,在技术上也有颇大的困难。 |
| 6. | The highland dances are performed solo , and have precise , difficult movements and require much stamina and co - ordination 高地舞蹈属于独舞,由清晰但难度颇大的舞蹈动作组成,要求舞蹈者有良好的耐力和协调性。 |
| 7. | Referring to the latest ovitrap survey results , the spokesman noted the locality - specific breeding indices showed great variation across surveyed areas 最新诱蚊产卵器调查结果显示,各受监察地区出现颇大的指数差异。 |
| 8. | The two very different singing styles in the song " a thousand miles away " appears very special under deduction , but is merely special only 《千里之外》这首歌在两个人相差颇大的演唱风格的演绎下显得很特别,但也仅仅是特别而已。 |
| 9. | Several young poets told me that they first encountered my poetry when they were in high school and that it had a big influence on their own writing 一些年轻诗人告诉我说他们在初中的时候便读到我的诗,对他们自己的写作造成了颇大的冲击与影响。 |