These drops firstly dropped on the cliff , and then drop from cliff till here 至今,山上的飞禽走兽们都是到这儿来喝水。
The colorful folk life and the desire for happiness are well demonstrated in each work 剪纸的内容分为:民间传说、飞禽走兽、花草鱼鸟等。
At the same time , deer and hunting became two important parts in their lives 大兴安岭中富有的飞禽走兽以及水中的各种鱼类,均成为他们的衣食之源。
He will regard humans and beats quite naively as objects which are similar and which belong together 他将非常单纯地,把人类和其他飞禽走兽视为一种类似的东西,彼此互有所属。
Fortunately vegetarian " chickens " and " cows " grow much larger than the average feathered and mooing variety , so there was sufficient food for all 所幸素鸡和素牛长得比一般的飞禽走兽要大得多,因此食物不虑匮乏。
Thus the man gave names to all cattle , to the birds of heaven , and to every wild animal ; but for the man himself no partner had yet been found 于是上帝以泥土塑造出各种飞禽走兽,带它们到这人的面前,看他如何称呼它们。
We owe a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects but all of them put together kill only a fraction of the number destroyed by spiders 我们受惠于食虫的飞禽走兽,但把它们都算在一起,也只是捕杀了蜘蛛所消灭的昆虫的一个零头。
He described plant life , from the cedar of lebanon to the hyssop that grows out of walls . he also taught about animals and birds , reptiles and fish 33他讲论草木,自利巴嫩的香柏树直到墙上长的牛膝草,又讲论飞禽走兽,昆虫水族。
No beast , no plant , no wind , no rain , no rock , no lake had the same beginning as i , for i was conceived in love and brought forth with a purpose 飞禽走兽、花草树木、风雨山石、河流湖泊,都没有像我一样的起源,我孕育在爱中,肩负使命而生。