| 1. | I saw in my beloved marrakesh a haven where i could regain my strength . 我认为可爱的马拉喀什是一个休养胜地,在这里,我能够恢复体力。 |
| 2. | After walking through the sheesha courtyard and past a classic moroccan tiled fountain , you ' re ready for a trip to fez or marrakech 穿过水烟筒院落,经过一个摩洛哥式喷泉,你就好比到了非斯或马拉喀什。 |
| 3. | The bonn climate summit forwarded a package of decisions to the marrakech conference , some already approved , and others requiring further work 波恩气候高峰会把一连串决议草案留待马拉喀什会议继续跟进,其中部份草案已获通过,其馀的则有待处理。 |
| 4. | One of the key issues for marrakech is agreement on how nations will account for , report and verify their emissions of global warming pollution and the amounts that forests and land - use absorb 马拉喀什会议的其中一个主要议题,是商讨各国如何计算汇报及核实温室气体排放量和森林及土地的废气吸收量,并就此达成共识。 |
| 5. | Commissioners last week deferred their planned approval of measures that should be decided on by eu environment ministers when they meet on monday 29 october , the day the marrakech conference opens 委员会原定于10月29日星期一,即马拉喀什会议召开之日,由欧盟环境部长决议通过一系列措施,可惜他们在上周宣布把决议日期压后。 |
| 6. | Because of the scope of application of this agreement was still limited , a new multilateral trade negotiation was hold in the uruguay round of gatt . a new agreement on government procurement ( gpa ) was signed in marrakech in 1994 由于这一协议的适用范围仍然有限,各国又在乌拉圭回合中举行了新的政府采购淡判,于1994年在马拉喀什签署了新的《政府采购协议》 ( gpa ) 。 |
| 7. | This multilateral agreement began the openness of the procuring activity made by the government unit . because of the scope of application of this agreement was still limited , a new multilateral negotiation was hold in the uruguay round of gatt 由于这一协议的适用范围仍然有限,各国又在乌拉圭回合中举行了新的政府采购谈判,于1994年在马拉喀什签署了新的《政府采购协议》 ( gpa ) 。 |
| 8. | Because of its important position , every country tries to protect its government procuring market . however , this protection hinders the international trade liberalization , which results in the production of government procurement agreement ( called for short gpa ) 由于这一协议的适用范围仍然有限,各国又在乌拉圭回合中举行了新的政府采购谈判,于1994年在马拉喀什签署了新的《政府采购协议》 ( gpa ) 。 |
| 9. | " countries thinking of raising objections counter to the bonn agreement in marrakech should realize they would be working directly against public opinion and the need to safeguard the world from the impacts of global warming , " said jennifer morgan Jennifer morgan又称:那些考虑在马拉喀什会议上,对波恩协议提出异议的国家,必须认清此举有违大众意愿他们亦应了解到实在有需要保护地球免受温室效应影响。 |